Early Morning Problems
Among the loads of tasks you need to get done today, having a headache to start your day may not be just what the doctor ordered. Headaches can put you in a bad mood and unable to accomplish any of your daily activities. This can make it hard to concentrate or function properly. Gathering strength and motivation will be difficult.
Question About Headaches
Many times you may wake up to find yourself with a pounding Headache. You might think to yourself that maybe I just didn’t get enough sleep. But if that’s the case then wouldn’t you just feel tired all day? The simple answer is that not getting enough sleep or waking up too early can cause headaches.
Headache Solutions:

You’re not alone, in fact people very commonly seek a physician for this frequent occurrence.
Although, the reason for your headache may not always stem from lack of sleep alone. In the earlier morning hours (generally between 4am and 8pm) the body has its lowest levels of natural painkillers.
Maybe you are getting enough sleep. It’s important to figure out what in your sleeping habits may be contributing to a lack a sleep.
Where Do Headaches Come From
Some people may suffer from insomnia, not getting restful sleep but rather tossing and turning all night.
Snoring can also be a cause of an early morning headache which can also be a sign of sleep apnea.
Sleep apnea is when you briefly stop breathing during the night and is potentially dangerous.
Tooth Grinding or clenching your jaw at night can also have you waking with a pounding head.
Neck Pain or the improper use of your pillow. Not having your head properly positioned on a pillow can put strain on your head and neck.