Nintendo Switch Review


The switch made us all happy after the travesty of a console the Wii U. I did a review on the Wii u but at the time I don’t think the switch was out yet. Now the switch has been out for two years competing with the PS4 and the Xbox.

Problems with Wii U

Okay so most you probably know why the Wii U wasn’t a big hit. First of all, it’s a little bit too big and chunky for everyone’s taste. It kind of looks like a LeapPad. Next all the advertisements had children in them it wasn’t perceived as a family console. Now I also had one of these myself and I had so many problems with the screen not being responsive games just not working the right way, so many problems.


Well it’s a portable gaming console that can handle games like the elder scrolls fortnite and tons of other big games like that. Also as I was saying how those children in the Wii U ads, the ads for switch it shows families playing games together not just using this weird chunky toy. The switch doesn’t come with too much space which is a big problem because the games are very big, but you can get micro SD cards that will fix that problem. Some people probably don’t know where the microSD card slot is under the kickstand.


Well there still are some cons about the switch, it can’t be perfect. The kickstand will constantly fall down while you’re using it. When you place the Nintendo switch into the dock it scratches the screen not too bad but it still scratches the screen a little bit. You have to be in a place where there is not much glare to use the switch. Well the battery life just totally sucks, and to charge it with a portable charger you will need to get a really powerful and expensive charger.


When the switch is in handheld mode it runs at 720p, when it is in docked mode it runs 1080p. If you are laying a demanding game on your TV then you can go in settings and switch the resolution to 720p. It is very unfortunate that it cannot run in 4k but it does make sense because it was released in 2017.


The switch takes a USBC which is nice because most new tech and phones use USBC. But if you lose the ac adapter that comes with the switch then you need to buy a new one because the power brick is what makes it charge. I don’t think there are any ways to wirelessly charge the Nintendo switch yet, but maybe in the future they’ll find some ways that you can wirelessly charge your switch, that would be really cool.

Best Accessories

There are some really great accessories for the switch that will improve your experience a lot. The first thing you should get is a second pair of joy cons, the switch is so fun for playing split-screen with your friends so you will definitely need a second pair. Second thing, a pro controller if you want the normal Xbox/PS4 controller feel. The gamecube controller is really good because it gives you that retro feeling playing Smash.

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Joe Buggers

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