How To Turn On Tweet Notifications On Twitter

Have you been receiving a lot of Twitter messages from followers asking you to turn on tweet notifications?  Many times after following someone they will follow up with some automated tweet asking you to turn on their tweet notifications.

How To Turn On Tweet Notifications On Twitter

At first you may have no idea what they’re talking about.  You might be thinking to yourself “Self, if I don’t have my tweet notifications turned on, then how am I seeing their message asking me to turn on notifications”.

Actually, there not talking about desktop notifications.  What there actually asking is for you to turn on notifications so you get tweet alerts from there feed on your mobile device.

In this “how to” we will show you on desktop how to turn on tweet Notifications.  The steps will be similar if you want to turn on notifications from your mobile device.

Turn On Tweet Notifications

Step 1

1:  Log on in to Twitter.

Step 2

2:  Go to the home page of the Twitter user you would like to turn on notifications for. *NOTE: NOT your homepage, theirs.

Step 3

3:  Look for the gear icon next to the following or follow button.

Step 4

4:  Click on the “Turn on mobile notifications” text from the drop down menu.

How To Turn On Tweet Notifications On Twitter

Step 5

5:  If this is your first time turning on a Twitter users tweet notifications then you will be prompted to enable mobile notifications for Tweets.  Click the “Enable Tweet notifications” button.

How To Turn On Tweet Notifications On Twitter

Step 6

6:  You will be taken to your Tweeter mobile customization page.   The very first checkbox should be “Tweets from people you’ve enabled for mobile notifications” Put a check mark in this box and click “Save Changes”.

How To Turn On Tweet Notifications On Twitter

Step 7

7: Finished:  Once you click save changes you should see the confirmation at the top your page saying, “Your phone notification preferences have been updated”.

How To Turn On Tweet Notifications On Twitter

You’re all set and should you decide you would like to change your tweet notifications setting in the future you can come back to this page and turn notification off.

We hope this has helped you solve the question of turning on notifications.  If you looking for additional help topics on Twitter, please try the links below to see more articles and how to’s related to Twitter:
How To:  Delete A Retweet On Twitter
How To:  Link Facebook to Twitter Posting
How To:  UnLink FaceBook From Twitter Posting

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Don Johnson

Writer & Blogger

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